Trunk Show at The Dance Store in Los Angeles

The Dance Store Trunk Show The Dance Store Trunk Show

The Dance Store Trunk Show

When Russian Pointe® held a trunk show at The Dance Store in Los Angeles on Saturday, Jan. 11, so many dancers signed up for pointe shoe fittings that every time slot was full.

Two Russian Pointe® fitters – Megan Bentz and Sofia Konstance Uralsky – fit dancers throughout the day, analyzing their feet to determine the best shoe for each dancer.

The Dance Store is a proud Russian Pointe® retailer that carries every make and model that Russian Pointe sells, so its customers are already avid Russian Pointe® fans. Many of the dancers who came in for fittings wanted to have the experience of being fit by Russian Pointe®’s expert fitters and to find out if there were any other models that would be good for their feet.

In fact, two dancers came to the trunk show to confirm they were in the best shoe possible before they took part in the upcoming Youth America Grand Prix competition.

However, a few customers were trying on Russian Pointe® for the very first time, including one girl who did not know about the trunk show and just happened to be coming in for a pointe shoe fitting. Happily, she ended up buying a pair of Russian Pointe®s!

Another young dancer from Japan came into the store with her mother looking for shoes small enough to fit her tiny feet. At only 9 years old, she has found it hard to find pointe shoes in her size, but luckily Megan Bentz, business development manager for Russian Pointe®, was able to fit her in some Russian Pointe® children’s sizes.

“I think it was really well received,” Jenny Roman, owner of the Dance Store, said of the trunk show. “The girls loved the experience of watching the expert pointe shoe fitters from Russian Pointe®.”

Roman said she loves carrying Russian Pointe® because of their quality, consistency of fit, and variety of options. “It’s really the hundreds of choices you have,” she said. “It’s just a good product.”