Warrior II Your New Year


Warrior II - Ready to take on the first week of the year! Through physical movement yoga teaches me skills beneficial to all aspects of life. Warrior II is one of my favorite poses of strength, balance and concentration. Here are some physical “Benefits of the Warrior II Pose”:
• Strengthens and stretches your legs, ankles and feet
• Stretches your hips, groins and shoulders
• Opens your chest and lungs
• Builds stamina and concentration
• Energizes tired limbs
• Stimulates your abdominal organs
• Helps relieve backaches, especially through your 2nd trimester
• Develops balance and stability and improves circulation and respiration
• Therapeutic for flat feet, sciatica, osteoporosis, carpal tunnel and infertility 

Bring on your Warrior and conquer the year 2020!

For more tips visit: Fitness & Wellness

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