Russian Pointe® heads to London


For the last 15 years, Russian Pointe® has been providing high quality, hand crafted pointe shoes to dancers throughout the United States and Canada, and now we are pleased to announce that Russian Pointe shoes are soon going to be available in England as well!

On March 6, Russian Pointe® president Aleksandra Efimova, as well Russian Pointe Business Development Manager Megan Bentz and Sales Representative Sofia Konstance Uralsky traveled to England to meet with several new dancewear retailers who have begun carrying Russian Pointe® shoes in their stores.

The retailers are thrilled to be introducing the Russian Pointe® brand to their customers, and they were excited to meet the Russian Pointe® team in person to learn more about what makes our brand unique and how to fit the shoes properly.

Then from March 7 to 9, the Russian Pointe® team attended Move It! in London, our first ever trade show for the European market.

Unlike dance trade shows in the United States, Move It! is geared more toward dancers than towards retailers. The annual event attracts more than 20,000 dancers who want to see high-energy dance performances, take a variety of dance classes, learn about dance scholarships and shop for dance clothes, shoes, accessories and more.

Throughout the three-day event, the hall was filled with music and excitement as some of Britain’s best dance groups performed on the stage at the front of the room, while other sections were roped off to hold classes in Bollywood, hip hop, Bachata, yoga and more.

Throngs of young dancers and their parents stopped by the Russian Pointe® booth during the event, where we had the opportunity to introduce them to our products. We displayed all of the models of our pointe shoes and explained how our shoes are handmade in Moscow in the Russian tradition, as well as about our shoes’ unique box structure and our options of soft, medium and hard shanks.

The European dancers raved about how beautiful our shoes were and many of the dancers were eager to try the shoes on immediately.

One of the people who was most excited to try on our shoes was Leanne Jessica, a dance blogger from the United Kingdom, who greeted Aleksandra enthusiastically and interviewed her for her blog, Straight to the Pointe. Aleksandra personally fit Jessica in Russian Pointe®s, and she fell in love with both Sapfir and the Almaz, leaving the show with two new pairs of shoes.

In addition to our pointe shoes, the attendees also loved our ballet themed iPhone covers, as well as our new line of pink ballet tights, which we gave away as a promotion.

We were so pleased about the warm welcome and positive responses that we received in London about our shoes, and we look forward to providing expertly crafted pointe shoes to more European dancers in the years to come!