The only constant in this world is change
"The only constant in this world is change."
It's a well-known saying, and so is this: "As soon as you stop moving forward you start moving backward." We live our lives in constant change, and although it isn't always comfortable or easy, it's impossible to improve and grow otherwise.
Much of today's choreography - perhaps exemplified in William Forsythe's "In the middle, somewhat elevated" - requires exceptional adaptability, with shifts of weight and direction that would throw an untrained person completely off balance.
In all aspects of our lives, being able to stay on balance is just as important as in dance. Flexibility and adaptability to new situations and tasks are essential for employees. Leaders must constantly search out and initiate change, both in the hope of improvement and in response to our ever-changing environment.
Here at Russian Pointe, we are making several changes to enhance our products, service and communication. For example, we're building Russian Pointe's presence in virtual meeting places including Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube. This is like new choreography, requiring me to stretch my perceptions to join in this essential means of communication in today's world. Although the change in perspective might be challenging, I know it will be rewarding, and I'm especially looking forward to sharing videos from my interactions with dance professionals.
Also this month, we're launching our new website, which will be easier to use, forge stronger connections between dancers and retailers, and include a wealth of dance resources. Our latest pointe collection, featuring three brilliant new designs, will premiere, and our new DVD has just been released.
At the same time, Russian Pointe is undergoing some change that might not be obvious from the outside but is sure to improve our company. Several of my wonderful staff members redefined their roles in the company in August, and will take their first steps in September toward active involvement in new projects.
I spent a week in Europe this summer, exploring countries and cities where I'd never been before. Unlike most of my travels, this trip was a true vacation, and I was traveling without friends or colleagues. While discovering the historic architecture, enduring landscapes and vibrant arts of Vienna, Salzburg and Budapest, I was able to contemplate the way that change and continuity work together in people, places, cultures and ideas. It was incredibly rewarding, enlightening and fulfilling. Now, as I prepare to return to Harvard Business School's Owner/President Management Program in October, I know that more growth is on its way.
As we travel together through September, we will find many ways to move forward to new beginnings, growth and improvement in our professional and personal lives. I am honored to share this journey with you. May your own changes enhance, elevate and fulfill your experiences and dreams, in dance and throughout life.