Trunk Show at Morris Costumes

Morris Costumes

Morris Costumes

Morris Costumes

Morris Costumes

On June 15, Russian Pointe® Team Member Megan Bentz hosted a trunk shows at Morris Costumes in Charlotte, NC ― a stores that carries everything from hats, wigs, masks and gorilla suits in addition to a large selection of dancewear and shoes.

Morris Costumes began carrying three types of Russian Pointe® shoes in January – the Rubin, Almaz and Brava – and so far, the shoes have been selling extremely well.

During the trunk show, Bentz introduced the store’s employees to the rest of Russian Pointe®’s line-up, explaining how each can be used to fit different types of feet.

After the presentation, Shacana Kimble, who manages the dancewear department, decided to carry the Lumina pointe shoes, as well. “She put it on her foot and loved it,” Bentz said.

After fitting the employees, Bentz then gave pointe shoe fittings to more than 12 customers ― everyone from an 11 year-old girl just starting out in her first pair of pointe shoes, to a dancer preparing to go away for summer intensives, to adult dance teachers who were looking to get back into pointe shoes.

Bentz gave away mini pointe shoes to each person who had a fitting, and at the end of the event, customers were treated to a raffle where they had a chance to win Russian Pointe t-shirts and water bottles, as well as other gifts from Morris Costumes.

Contact us today at 312-332-7200 host a Russian Pointe® trunk show or pointe shoe fitting in your dancewear retail store!