My Harvard Graduation!

Harvard OMP39 I'm thrilled to announce my graduation from Harvard Business School! Saying goodbye on Friday, March 26, was both exciting and sad. When I first applied two years ago, I had high hopes but couldn't fully imagine how the OPM Program would meet and exceed my expectations. Looking back, I know that I will always remember those weeks of intensive study with both fondness and satisfaction, and that my Harvard experience will be with me throughout every aspect of my life.

As I return to Chicago this week (after traveling to New York and D.C.), what's first in my mind is how I will implement everything I learned at Harvard, from my brilliant professors, fascinating classmates and in-depth studies. I've already brought much of this learning into my everyday work with Russian Pointe, and I look forward to developing the company even further.

I miss Harvard already, but I'm happy to be home, and eager to "roll up my sleeves" at the office, at the Boutique and on the road!


View slideshow of my Harvard experience on my website:>