How should I choose a shank?
TimingWhen you are fitting Russian Pointe pointe shoes, you will typically choose the best possible shank toward the end of the fitting process, when the model and specifications have already been chosen. Sometimes, however, you will need to choose the shank earlier in the fitting. For example, with a dancer who has trouble getting all the way onto pointe, you may not see a good fit until she is wearing a lightweight shank (even if all the other specifications are well chosen). At the opposite extreme, a dancer who collapses on pointe may need a stronger shank from the beginning of the fitting.
- Your assessment of the dancer’s strength and flexibility.
- The dancer’s foot structure and technical skill and experience.
- The dancer’s style (springing to pointe or rolling through demi-pointe).
- The purpose of the particular pair of shoes. Some dancers choose more or less flexible shanks according to how they will be using a particular pair (class, rehearsal or performance).
Shank strength Bear in mind that different teachers have different philosophies about shank strength, especially for beginners. Some prefer more flexible shanks, so that dancers will build food and body strength by not relying on pointe shoes as a prop. Others prefer medium or hard shanks, so that dancers will build strength by pushing against the shank. Take care to consider the teacher’s preferences, and then use your best judgment about each dancer’s needs.
Generally, a dancer should never wear a shank that is harder than necessary for her individual technique and development. Stronger shanks should never be chosen because the dancer thinks they will make the shoes last longer. Instead, longevity will be best achieved with the right specifications for the dancer’s needs.
Pre-Arched Construction Pre-arched pointe models are especially useful for dancers with very high or very low arches and those who find it difficult to reach full pointe. Dancers with high arches may find that the shanks in pre-arched models last longer because there is less structural strain during break-in. Learn more about pre-arched construction.
In a good shank choice: The dancer is able to reach full pointe with her weight centered on the platform. She is able to “work” the shank according to her style and technique. For example, if she passes through demi-pointe as she rises to pointe, the shank will have the necessary flexibility. If she springs to pointe or works her shoes very hard, the shank will be strong enough to support her.
If the shank is too hard/strong: The dancer may fall backward off pointe or balance too far back on the platform. There may be a “break” at the ankle: an angle at the front of the ankle instead of a straight vertical line or graceful curve.
If the shank is too soft/light: The dancer may roll too far forward on pointe or collapse when she relevés.
Learn more about Russian Pointe’s array of shank choices: Spotlight and Jewels shanks Classic shanks