Safety Tips for Women Travelers in India


March 2018, Mumbai, India. I have traveled to India 3 times, attended numerous traditional weddings, explored India on HBS reunion and embraced the culture to its fullest! Saris, curry food, henna on hands – some much for experience and learn. But as in any trips – safety first and here are a few on my tips:

  • Cover up and dress conservatively - India is a conservative country and women showing skin is not really acceptable there no matter how hot it is. Saris are surprisingly “cooling” and comfortable for walking and come in many gorgeous colors. 

  • Don’t arrive to a new city late at night. I hate the hassle and scams that you find at airports, trains and bus stations and you’re most vulnerable and likely to get scammed when you are tired and have just disembarked after a long journey in a strange city and it’s even worse at night. Sometimes due to flight schedules there are no other options, so make sure you arrange for a hotel car to pick you up.

  • Be confident and assertive and stand your ground. I also find it best to ignore people, especially salesmen or just people who want to take selfies with me. Even saying a polite “no thank you” is still engaging with them and could be mistaken for a sign of interest.

Happy Travels!